الحسن يفتتح فعاليات مؤتمر المنطقة الروتارية 2450 في العقبة18-05-2012 09:50 PM
عمون - (بترا)- رامي البشتاوي - افتتح سمو الامير الحسن بن طلال مساء امس الخميس في مدينة العقبة فعاليات المؤتمر السادس والسبعين للمنطقة الروتارية 2450 تحت شعار "الاجيال الصاعدة : طريق المستقبل ".
كم انت كبير
والله أنا مش فاهم شو يعني منطقةروتري 2445 ووين باقي هالمناطق .
ammon ;tell us how many people in aqaba are members of the rotary club
These clubs constitute a serious threat to Islam and Muslims as they pretend they lead humanitarian work while they are in fact destroying the Islamic spirit and are working within the framework of international Jewish schemes.
The Islamic ruling:
The International Islamic Conference for Islamic organizations, held in Makkah (1394 A.H., 1974 C.E.) issued its eleventh resolution on Masonry, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, the Moral Rearmament and the Freedom Brothers that:
- Every Muslim must immediately desert such institutions, and Muslim countries should prevent their activities and close their clubs and dens.
- Not to employ any person who belongs to such organizations and boycott him.
- It is prohibited to elect any Muslim who belongs to such organizations to take part in any Islamic work.
- These organizations must be exposed through booklets and brochures sold at cost price.
- In its first session, the Islamic Fiqh Academy declared that Freemasonry as well as other organizations branching from it such as Lions and Rotary are completely incompatible with Islamic principles and contradict them.
الله يقويك
الف مبروك الافتتاح
اللة اقويك وطول عمرك ياسيدى سمو الامير الحسن وهذا المؤتمر الذى الذى يعنى بالشباب باعتبارهم نواة المستقبل
رائع جدا جدا
big like
God bless prince hassan and the rotary
الحسن مفكر عربي من الطراز الرفيع
كل الشكر للامير الحسن
الرحمة تغشى الحضور.
هل لي مكان كي انضم لؤسسة ...
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